Measure your testosterone

Measure your testosterone

Get a personalized supplement and hormone program

Improve your energy, mood, focus, and sex drive

At-home and walk-in options available

Telehealth appointment included

Biomarker graph

How it works

Medical document iconSTEP 1

Measure your baseline

Lifeforce's diagnostic measures over 40 biomarkers related to performance and healthy aging including 10 hormone biomarkers.

icon calendarSTEP 2

Telehealth Appointment

Your results will be reviewed by a Lifeforce doctor and we include a telehealth appointment with a functional medicine doctor free with every diagnostic.

Medicine IconSTEP 3

Start your plan

You will receive personalized recommendations for diet, lifestyle, supplements, and hormones based on your test results.

Man doing pushup with dumbbell

Be better than normal

Stop guessing, start addressing. Our at-home blood test measures 40+ biomarkers that drive your mental and physical performance